In PLAY NICE in Your Sandbox at Work, Ron Price provides tips and techniques for conflict management so you can have more peace and productivity with less drama, turmoil and conflict in your workplace. You’ll learn how to avoid conflict with your team members and co-workers when possible and appropriate. You’ll also gain skills in conflict resolution to successfully navigate through disputes you believe cannot or should not be avoided, and still maintain healthy relationships after the conflict has been resolved. 

Life can be hectic and stressful at times, and often we find ourselves engaged in conflicts that are not worthy of our time or energy. Conflict is certainly not always negative, but why waste life dealing with matters that are not all that important? This upbeat workshop is based on the P.L.A.Y. portion of my book P.L.A.Y. N.I.C.E. in Your Sandbox at Work (subtitled Equipping People to Move from Conflict to Collaboration). Participants learn four specific techniques to minimize, and/or wholly eliminate various conflicts from their lives.

Most people say they dread conflict, yet none of us get to go through life without it occurring from time-to-time. Conflict need not be fearful if you know how to prevent and/or resolve it productively.

And, that’s where I come in. I help individuals and companies learn how to PLAY NICE in their Sandbox. This eight-step model gives tools, tips, and techniques to prevent minor conflicts from stealing your time, energy, and resources. It also equips people to resolve conflict that must be addressed for the overall good of the individuals or organization.

Humor, Fun, and Laughter in the Workplace:

Which is worse – all fun and no work, or all work and no fun? Hopefully you agree the answer is neither! Let’s explore ways we can all enjoy our work more and get it done more productively.

Team-Killing Germs:

Do you know the five common germs that infect and kill relationships at work and at home? You should – and you will after attending this presentation/workshop.

Porcupines, Skunks, Customers and Co-Workers - How to deal with difficult people and situations:

Your world likely contains people and situations that are difficult at times and which can easily throw you off your game. This need not be the case. Learn some practical and valuable tools, tips and techniques to make the most of every challenging situation.