Conflict – what a scary word. And yet none of us go through life without experiencing conflict from time to time. But what if you could have less conflict? What if you were able to resolve differences that you have with other people in your life with whom you interact on a regular basis? That’s what the PLAY NICE in God’s Sandbox course is designed to help you do.
We’re told in Romans 12:18 that as far as it depends on us we should get along with others, or as some version say we are to live at peace with others. Well, that’s all fine and good but just how do you do that? The 24 video lessons in this three-module course are going to give you practical tools, tips, and techniques to help you prevent conflict when possible, or to resolve conflict in a lasting productive manner when that is the more appropriate option.
Each video comes with a worksheet designed for small-group studies. The worksheets are designed to help facilitate discussion and application of the concepts detailed in the videos. Each video is 10 to 15 minutes in length, and the discussion questions are designed to round out a one-hour session. This format should work well for Sunday/Sabbath School classes, for midweek prayer meetings, and small group gatherings for both inreach and outreach. We all have friends and family members who don’t attend church but who would love to know how to better manage conflict in their lives. This course is designed to make it easy to invite people to participate.