Through my three books in my PLAY NICE in Your Sandbox series, I have helped numerous companies in the public and private sectors transform into cooperative, enjoyable, and peaceful workplaces.



In PLAY NICE in Your Sandbox at Work, Ron Price provides tips and techniques for conflict management so you can have more peace and productivity with less drama, turmoil and conflict in your workplace. You’ll learn how to avoid conflict with your team members and co-workers when possible and appropriate. You’ll also gain skills in conflict resolution to successfully navigate through disputes you believe cannot or should not be avoided, and still maintain healthy relationships after the conflict has been resolved. 

-Get along better with the difficult members of your team.

Maintain your composure and resolve differences.

Keep small things from escalating into conflict.

Help others resolve their disputes.


In PLAY NICE in Your Sandbox at Home, you will receive tools, tips, and techniques to help you have a wonderful and satisfying marriage. You will learn of numerous marriage resources to help address a variety of issues and concerns common to marriage in our day:

– Communicate confidently even on sensitive subjects.

– Meet your mate’s deepest emotional needs.

– Keep fun and joy in your relationship.

You’ll be challenged and equipped to give your marriage and family the attention they deserve to experience more joy and peace in your life. What a worthwhile goal!


PLAY NICE in Your Sandbox at Church equips readers with the knowledge and skills needed to help their church members stay focused on their mission, rather than get sidetracked with their interpersonal squabbles.

The PLAY and NICE in the title are capitalized because they are acronyms. PLAY represents a four-step model to prevent conflict when possible, and NICE gives a four-step model to resolve differences with others. Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Church is divided into two major portions covering eight sections. The first four sections comprise the PLAY chapters, where readers learn how to prevent needless trivial matters from escalating into situations they neither want nor need. In sections five through eight, readers gain the knowledge and skill to help them resolve significant differences they are bound to have with others from time-to-time. Within Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Church, there is a CHAPTER CHALLENGE at the end of each chapter to help readers implement the information they’ve learned throughout.