- Improve morale
- Improve teamwork
- Improve productivity
- Improve creativity
- Improve customer service
- Reduce drama and infighting
- Reduce turnover
- Reduce absenteeism
- Reduce “presenteeism”
In-person presentations, hands-on training, & exercises designed specificallyfor your team.-
60 pre-recorded videos
Customized notebook & worksheets
One book per participant
Monthly tips and resources
6 customized PPT video presentations
Opportunity to select video lessons from 40 skillsets
Videos feature your company logo & industry specific illustrations
2 Promo videos
Live in-person or virtual presentations
Team building exercises
Skill building instruction
Choose Foundational or Customized option to be added to your interactive experience

Schedule an exploratory conversation.

Design a customized plan.

Execute the training and workshops.

Enjoy a happier and more productive workforce.

IN-PERSON Conflict Resolution WORKSHOP
Conflict Prevention:
Life can be hectic and stressful at times, and often we find ourselves engaged in conflicts that are not worthy of our time or energy. Conflict is certainly not always negative, but why waste life dealing with matters that are not all that important? This upbeat workshop is based on the P.L.A.Y. portion of my book P.L.A.Y. N.I.C.E. in Your Sandbox at Work (subtitled Equipping People to Move from Conflict to Collaboration). Participants learn four specific techniques to minimize, and/or wholly eliminate various conflicts from their lives.
- Conflict Management:
- This is the N.I.C.E. portion of P.L.A.Y. N.I.C.E. in Your Sandbox at Work that addresses how to deal with conflict successfully when it cannot or should not be prevented. This workshop draws in part from the books Verbal Judo and Getting to Yes. We cover specific steps one can take to avoid adversarial relations and to bring disputes to a constructive and productive outcome. Wallflowers and bullies are both hindrances to an effective business – this workshop aims to minimize both.
- Fundamentals for a Cooperative Workplace:
- This workshop focuses on the influence of perceptions in determining how we deal with others. Participants will learn to suspend judgment, along with other practical inter-personal skills. It also covers the importance of making deposits versus withdrawals in their dealings with co-workers and others. Finally, participants learn techniques designed to diffuse tense situations and avoid incidents of “road rage” or “going postal.”
- Emotional Intelligence:
- Why do some brilliant folks fail at life while some less intelligent folks thrive? This workshop covers an exploration of EQ, a self-guided inventory for participants to see where they measure up, and concrete exercises to improve the overall EQ of the workplace. We also address specific reasons why EQ is essential to the bottom line and successful business operations. This workshop is based on the bestselling book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman along with other valuable resources.
- Relationships:
- All of life seems to be about relationships, yet most all of us have sad memories of failed relationships. I provide information gleaned from numerous researchers for what causes the breakup of relationships in our society. I then give definitive steps participants can take to prevent these destructive “germs” from infecting and killing off their significant I also draw on material from several experts to help folks improve their relations with co-workers, bosses, spouses, children, friends, etc.
- Humor and Fun in the Workplace:
- Which is worse – all work and no fun or all fun and no work? Your business can likely afford neither. This fast-paced, interactive and instructional workshop teaches new ways to let your workplace experience be both enjoyable and productive.
- Change – Friend or Foe?:
- Change is a natural and recurring part of life yet it can pose a challenge if not handled correctly. This workshop explains how change is a 6 step process and equips participants to accept and navigate through change – those which are voluntary and those which are imposed by others.
- Laughter, a Great Medicine:
- This presentation highlights the enormous physical, mental, emotional and social benefits of laughter. Life is so stressful at times and can be so overwhelming that we do not take the time to laugh as we should. That will not be the case in this workshop that is filled with humorous workplace-friendly videos, cartoons, jokes, etc. to help participants focus on the lighter side of life. Plan on leaving this workshop thoroughly entertained and motivated to keep laughter in the forefront of your life.
- Other:
- While I do not consider myself to be a “jack-of-all-trades” I would be willing to discuss the possibility of designing a workshop to meet the specific needs and challenges you face with your staff. Also, I am well acquainted with other trainers in the area and would gladly refer you elsewhere if your needs could be better met by someone else.
Do you know that your team needs some help with current conflict or simply to prevent future conflict but you’re not sure which plan is right for you? Let’s chat so I can help you decide!
"Ron’s presentation style combined a variety of multimedia platforms. Utilizing slides, videos, audience participation, and a wonderful sense of humor, he kept everyone engaged making the hour go fast. In addition, Ron provided useful information leaving everyone with many “ah-ha moments and several immediate takeaways they could apply towards personal as well as professional implementation.”
Research is clear that the average U.S. worker spends 2.5 hours a week dealing with conflict. This is estimated to lower an individual employee’s productivity by as much as 28%. The annual cost of conflict to American businesses is estimated to be in the area of $359 Billion.
Whether you manage a secular or religious team, you might feel frustrated, thinking about tension, small or larger, among your team. The effort you exert to bring about unity may be overwhelming when you consider that time that could be better spent building your church or business.